Gorran PreSchool

Hoglets opening times & fees

Opening Times:

Monday - Friday
8.45am - 3:30pm 

Age 2 


Morning Session (8:45-11:45) £7.43

Lunch Session (11:45-1:15) £7.43

Afternoon Session (1:15-3:30) £7.43

Full Day (8:45-3:30) £50.15


Age 2

£/Session £

Morning Session (8:45-11:45) £22.29

Lunch Session (11:45-1:15) £11.15

Afternoon Session (1:15-3:30) £16.72

Full Day (8:45-3:30) £50.15

A late fee of £10 per 15 mins will be charged. 


Age 3


Morning Session (8:45-11:45) £5.50

Lunch Session (11:45-1:15) £5.50

Afternoon Session (1:15-3:30) £5.50

Full Day (8:45-3:30) £37.13

Age 3


Morning Session (8:45-11:45) £16.50
Lunch Session (11:45-1:15) £8.25
Afternoon Session (1:15-3:30) £12.38
Full Day (8:45-3:30) £37.13

A late fee of £10 per 15 mins will be charged. 



Snack Charge

We charge a consumable fee at £3.50 per day, this includes snack and reasources. 


15hr & 30hr Funding vouchers are accepted.

Typically 15hrs will cover 5 mornings per week

30hrs will not cover a full week. A full week consists of 32.5hrs.

Any hours attended above your funded hours will be charged


A school dinner is available at an extra charge of £2.41

Effective Learning

Find out more about our activities and what your children will be getting up to.

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Our Ethos

Read about the beliefs and values that our Pre-School is built upon.

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Nippers Nutrition

Take a look at our Menus and Recipes and Download them for use at home.

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01726 842161   hello@gorranpreschool.co.uk